how to make non dairy whipping cream without homogenizer in lab?

how to make non dairy whipping cream without homogenizer in lab?

Well you play with blender ,its also a high shear mixer but i doubt it will give similar results due to possible aeration.
But the homogeneity may not be equivalent.
Another is a sort of colloid mill which doubt you have it as well.
You better play safe by formulating non dairy whipped topping mixes…The Patent files had many representative examples you can play with. As they are powders they are easier to handle in all
NPD from lab to pilot to production scale …

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When u say, u want to do in lab, it means u want to do commercial level trials to set a formula… It is impossible without an hmogeniser… Colloiid mill does not have that kind of shear dairy hmogeniser has… If u try inline hmogenisers, the final product may look white and homogenised, but on whipping will be very soft with minimal overrun… So trying without dairy hmogeniser will be of no use.

Is there any table top or small homogenizer suitable for lab in your knowledge?

Is there any table top or small homogenizer suitable for lab in your knowledge?