Food safety culture

Dear all,
Do you have any good practices how to encrease food safety culture on the plant if 40% of the employees are temporary?


Very useful question. Thank you.

Education, education, education.

You need to tell them about food safety periodically and at every opportunity.

You can talk with them about importance of food safety and likely results if it fails.

You can use posters, brochures, billboards, paper cups etc. to inform them and keep them up to date.

Internalizing of food safety by staffs is very import to create a food safety culture.


I agree with all your comments, but I also included leadership by example.
Wich I mean that as all your employes, or almost part of them, are temporary, beside a lot of education, you must educate giving examples, doing as you want to be done, because in several type of organizations or industries, labour force doesnā€™t have the skills to understand some kind of explanations, so they usually take option by doing when they see / look.
Teach some of them to be a group or a working line driver/ guide, so that the others could follow easily them by examples, and if you could, stay a little with them. Regulary visit the shop factory, und became interesting on them, on what they are doing, explain side by side.
I know that this, envolved a lot of extra work, but they begin and follow you as a guide as a pair. You must to earn their confidence. ItĀ“s so simple like this. With this behavior you show them that they are important to you and your business. So sumple like that.
Teresa Fonseca GonƧalves


Definitely you are right. These are good points. Thanks


Thank you very much


hi good question,
I agree with all of
espacially education, after that, you have to hold this work your all of employees, such as you can make small work shops, you can take their ıdeas and you can create wishbox about your app. you can put slogan pictures everywhere. for example ā€˜zero defect.ā€™


Thank you very much!
Education is important, you are right


Dear Teresa, thank you for so full answer!

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Thanks, great idea about wishbox!

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Iā€™ve read a book about how a company shifted their whole system from a dangerous production plant, to the safest production facility in its industry. Although itā€™s not from the food industry, but they mentioned how to change the culture within the company so that the employees follow what was the right thing to do, and not what is easy to do.

The book is entitled ā€œThe Power of Habitā€ by Charles Duhigg


Hello @11110, what is the service or contract time of this %40 ? This is also importan to establish a sustain culture. What you are asking is really hard for temporary or seasonal indirect manpowers .

So I will leave here some important suggestion to achieve to set a culture up to one certain level , not possible %100 if contract times is less than 1 year .

1- do not accept any manpower inside the plant without minimum 1 day food safety traine . On presentation and on subfloor. Than make an exam , this is first elimination . The ones who passed exam and accepted the work , will never forget how serious you are on food safety. The message of exam is definitely for the successful ones !

2- If any workers do not feel their own contribution on your business value chain , they will never be loaded a culture their right. You should show them how they have a value on business by your awarding system .

3- set a moral policy also , Moral should include a trophy such as if any one bring a kaizen or OPL which is related with food safety he/she should deserve some benefit

4- you should separate regardful persons from negligence ones by penalty system also

5- show them solid results if food safety is not cared properly. This samples will remain in their minds .

6- improve their knowledge for each month in groups in subfloor not in meeting rooms


This is called the real answer. S

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emerese your empolyess in Food safety subjects, sourround them by everthing you can do to increase their culture.
I have many practices we do it in our organization

  • OPL one point lessons
  • Posters with Images
  • Hand To Hand (Lead by example ) One leader teach one employee or more.
    -Urge them and celebrate with them if they committed to Food safety.
  • They can contribute in our meeting related to FS.

Great question for a good discussion.
In addition to all the points discussed here, CHECKLIST could be included and thus accountability. Food safety lies in their hands.
Quality assurance, safety, training etc etc counts.
I wonder if this is a little risky approach to have 40% of temporary staff and something (wrong) can happen at any point. However if it is a smaller unit, it is still manageable. Each group of 5 (temporary persons) should be managed by one permanent person for any QC, safety approvals etc etc (ratio 5:1 depends on the size of the establishment though)ā€¦ And much more to monitor.


great read. Atomic habits is another book in this lineā€¦

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