What is HARPC?

HACCP is a system used to identify, protect, measure, evaluate and control hazards to ensure food safety as defined in Codex Alimentarius. It is a tool designed to identify biological, chemical, physical hazards that may arise during farm to fork processing and to minimize risks to public health. An effective HACCP program is achieved through the provision of effective prerequisite programs. The prerequisite programs can be defined as temel the basic conditions and activities necessary to ensure the safe end product through a hygienic environment ”. Pre-requisite programs enable the establishment of the HACCP program, providing the basic conditions for the control or elimination of a potential hazard to food safety, the determination of quality parameters, and the provision of a hygienic environment.

The Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) and existing Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) are designed primarily to ensure that food is produced, processed, packaged and stored under sanitary conditions to prevent post-process contamination to ensure food safety.

The HARPC (Hazard Analysis and Risk-based Preventive Controls) plan has a similar concept and objective, but the approach is different from GMP and HACCP, because HARPC identifies potential risks or threats to food supply and proactively applies appropriate corrective actions to prevent contamination. applies preventive controls.

Although the proposed HARPC complies well with the HACCP plan, it differs from the need for risk-based preventive controls rather than critical control points. Therefore, it is not necessary to establish critical limits under HARPC. However, in order to minimize significant food risks, the validity of preventive controls should be supported by either proven or “tried and true” scientific data or authentic scientific literature.

Any facility that manufactures, processes, packages, distributes, receives, stores or imports food should develop a HARPC plan for compliance with the FSP (Food Safety Modernization Act) HARPC compliance.