Líneas de cocción y horneado de garbanzos

Hola a todos! Estoy haciendo mí proyecto final y necesitaría información sobre líneas de producción de legumbres. Necesito remojar, cocinar y hornear garbanzos. Alguien conoce bibliografía que pueda recomendarme?
Muchas gracias

Hello everybody! I am doing my final engineering project (not a school project, Roy :grin:) and would need information about legume production lines. I need to soak, cook and bake chickpeas. Does anyone know Bibliography that I can recommend me?
Thank you

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Hi Hernan,

Could you please ask your question in English. Thanks


Roughly translating from what I remember in Spanish language course decades back.
Looks like school project or thesis how to cook chickpeas and asking for literature reference about it…:slightly_smiling_face:

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Por favor revise internet y su biblioteca…