What’s next breakthrough in this area?
We are using stevia tea infusion. It’s really good!!
The science and technology of Stevia is already established, there is nothing more to learn from it .The last significant development which was the elaboration of its components,its Chemistry and application were done 6 years ago and ever since there were no more developments then.
yes on an industrial perspective, and just because everyone is keen to use the word ‘natural’.
In the coming years there will be more updates and clear instructions on clean labels.
Next , Blend of stevia based of functional properties of sugar .
What about Monk Fruit Sweetener
Following up with this in early 2023 so we can all look back together.
Stevia still seem to be a frontrunner but can leave a bitter aftertaste in the back of the throat. We wound up building in our bitter blocker technology to have a delicious sugar-substitute solution without that burn. TruSugr™: TruSugr™ Sugar Replacement - TastesNatural
Also, did you hear about the terrifying links of aspartame to generational anxiety? Yikes. Break Generational Anxiety Caused by Aspartame with Game-changing Sugar Substitute - TastesNatural
Monk Fruit’s bitterness wound up causing more than a few products with a lingering unpleasant aftertaste. We actually provide a great deal of our bitter blocker taste technology to products choosing to use Monk Fruit now. TruMask™ and TruClear™ are great for this “sweetener” depending upon the final delivery method and recipe.
Also - did you hear about Stevia’s effect on Lyme’s disease? Early studies show stevia can break down the biofilm and have similar if not better success than commonly used antibiotics prescribed.
Anyone else have updates?