Gummy bears sugar free too viscous


I am making sugar free gummy bears

9.5% gelatin
43% maltitol powder
40% chicory root fibre
Rest water, citric acid etc.

They are too viscous to deposit.
But not tough enough when out of the mould, not chewy enough.

How can I make the mixture less viscous but still a fair bit of solids like 80%? With a final chewy texture.

The final s.s. should be 80, right?

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decrease it and try again,

what is cooking temperature?

this is good.

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The cooking temperature is about 100C.
Do I have to cook the syrups first and then add the gelatin water mixture?

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Yes. You need to blend gelatin and water and let sit for 10 minutes, cook syrups separately and then mix syrups with gelatin and citric acid.

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9.5% is too much. I am used to add 6.2% gelatin and gummies texture is ok.