Gluten-free flour

Hello All!
Really need your help. I am curious about Bob’s red mill gluten-free flour.

Do you have insight what kind of ingredient i need to put so i can make a gluten free flour that suitable for baking? And maybe the proportion

The goal is : i can use this gluten-free flour to make white bread. Need it to be expand well🤔

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AFAIK, it contains chickpea flour, faba bean flour, sorghum flour, tapioca flour. You need to add xanthan gum or preferably blend a blend of xanthan gum and guar gum. At about 1 teaspoon guns per 200 gram of gluten free flour… The gum will replace the binding and structural effect 9f gluten in the gluten free flour.


I find that millet flour works well in addition to the others for flavour, and rice flour in addition to the tapioca flour. Also, carboxymethyl cellulose is becoming the go to ingredient for structure in gluten free breads.


Is it possible if I dont use any xanthan gum on my gluten free flour product as I dont want any food additives in my product?

Whoa, this is super interesting! :grin:
So we need the polyssacharide to replace the binding and structural effect of gluten, right?

Now i understand that’s why Bob’s redd mill use xathan gum too.

Hmm, i can see that some of the advises mention pea-, bean-, and other protein source flour, are those need in making gluten-free flour?
In my country, we find it difficult to find such flour.

Or is it enough if we use mocaf flour/ tapioca flour/ rice flour?
Considering they’re low protein flour.

You can try something like psyllium fiber but you won’t get the stretch or chewiness of a traditional wheat bread.

Cecilia, each flour brings a different characteristic to the final product.
You can use Mocaf (cassava) flour and the others for many gluten free baked goods but those alone will not necessarily give you a great result for a yeast risen bread.
That is not to say you can’t make very good gluten free bread of other types.
The Brazilian pao de queijo for instance is one of my favorites and it uses only tapioca flour.

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Can you tell me about Method of heat sterilization and process time calculation ?

Okay thank you for sharing your knowledge! :slightly_smiling_face:

Psyllium husk and wheat Fibre can assist structure. Remember to increase the water. The gluten free products never attain the same expansion unfortunately.

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Wow thank youu for sharing! :slightly_smiling_face: i’ll take note from here

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Try sportify flour. Perfect for your query.