What is Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP)?

The modified atmosphere packaging method is one of the most common methods used in food preservation. MAP is one of the most important food preservation techniques that preserves natural quality and extends the shelf life of fresh or minimally processed foods. MAP, which is one of the physical protection methods, is based on the principle of significantly extending the shelf life by creating a suitable atmosphere environment to prevent or restrict microbial growth of foods.It is the creation of suitable atmospheric conditions to prolong the shelf life of the product by removing air from the package or by adding different gases. In other words, it is a modification of the air composition surrounding the product.

What are the aims of Modified Atmosphere Packaging ?

-Reduce total oxygen

-Reduce enzymatic and oxidative degradation reactions

-Providing product safety and quality by delaying microbiological deterioration

-Extend shelf life

What are the Modified Atmosphere Packaging Foods ?

-Fruits and vegetables

-Meat and meat products

-Milk and milk products

-Bakery products


-Ready Products

What are the Modified Atmosphere Packaging Types ?

-Passive Modification; fruits are applied to vegetables.

  • Active Modification; It is applied to all kinds of food.

What is Passive Modification ?

-The product is coated with suitable plastic film considering the respiration rates.

  • Ambient atmosphere occurs spontaneously by respiration.

  • The packaging material should allow more carbon dioxide output than oxygen input.

  • It is not desirable to increase the carbon dioxide level above 20%.

  • It is not desirable for the oxygen level to fall below 2%.

What is Active Modification ?

-Getting the desired composition gas into the packaging.

-Not made for fruits and vegetables. Because oxygen is needed for maturation.

-A modifier kit or absorbant is placed in the packaging.

-Vacuum packaging.

What are the Advantages of Modified Atmosphere Packaging ?

-Increases potential shelf life by 50% - 400%.

-Reduces economic losses.

-Products can be transported over longer distances, resulting in lower distribution costs.

-Provides high quality product.

-Allows easier separation of sliced products.


Frank and useful sharing,:v:

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