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Hi All,

You can add latest topics rss feed to your feed reader.


Dear members,

Please ask your questions clear.

Please give all necessary details in your questions.

Please do not create a low quality topic / do not ask a question like " please give me a processing machine example"

Please do not write all words in all caps.

Thank you.

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Dear Members,

Showing Online Members feature disabled to improve the site speed.

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FSTDESK - Android APP updated. You can update your app or download it from.

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Now you can invite your colleagues to FSTDESK by email from your account.

Follow below steps.

1- Login your account.

2- Click your avatar or your profile image.

3- Click preferences tab ( human icon ).

4- Click Invites section.

5- Click Invite button.

6- Type your colleagues email address.

7- Then send.

Thats all. Thank you. :slight_smile:

To make this forum really active and helpful; system deletes inactive users.

Inactive user: Who* did not be login in last 180 days. [ *has zero post or 0 trust level ( newbie ) ]
Note: If user has a post, system does not delete the user even being inactive.

Until today system deleted almost 2300 users in 2 years.

FSTDESK - Android APP updated. Version 9 . You can update your app or download it from.

Hi All,

Today, a new registered user sent me a private message. PM was out topic of food science or related, she sent me a message as part of a pishing plan or something like this i think.

Then i deleted her account, banned her email and IP from the forum.

If you get this type messges please inform me ( Admin ). Thank you.

We updated our server. In last 30 minutes some users had some problems about to reach the FSTDESK. I am sorry fo this.

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Hi All, Good News :blush::blush::blush:.
Now you can follow FSTDESK on Google News. Please follow us. Thank you :blush:.