
Hello guys i was just wondering what else can a kombucha scoby be used to ferment apart from tea and coffee or how can one come up with an innovative food product from a scoby or maybe use the scoby itself to make improvements in other products?? Feel free to comment

Looks like a school. Assignment… :thinking:… Please use Google search.So you can get more information to your liking…

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Hahaa not really its not a school assignment. I was just trying to be innovative to some extent, but i have not found anything tangible through google search.Anyway thanks

Really… :smirk:
If you just do Google search using the keyword Scoby you can find other possible applications of it.
It even has it own Wikipedia page…
SCOBY - Wikipedia.
You just want everything to be spoon fed to you… :wink:

@Alexander how about trying out a drinkable jelly out of it , imagine symbiotic functional drink…
Or try some fun expts on kimchi or kefir modifications using this.