Chocolate Rheology

Dear colleagues,

I have a problem about chocolate rheology. I have chocolate samples to analyze. We are using rheometer called Brookfield DV-III Ultra and I need to analyze my samples to finish my Phd thesis.Yet, I have a problem about methods that I use. Actually I have no idea about methodologies to chocolate rheology. I read many articles about it. But, any of these use Brookfield DV-III Ultra. I am trying to reach 50s-1 in the Shear Stress-Shear Rate chart, but despite all my efforts, I could not find this value. I hope you can help me to solve this problem. This project is so important to me. Thank you in advance for your help.

Best regards
Onur Ozdemir


Hi! Chocolate Rheologý is an interest topics. First. Control of Temperature and composition define how is my sample. Dsc is a good analysis for beginning. I dont have experiencience with brookfield but with the behavior yes. Im new in this group.

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