Biomethanol production from agricultural wastes

I need help about biomethanol production from agricultural wastes.


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Thank you very much, I really appreciate it.

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BioMethanol production from.agricultural waste…is a different matter from bioethanol.ftom the same material.
Let’s discuss it though Chemistry using empirical formulas for simplicity.
Bioethanol is by fermentation process after enzymatic conversion of carbohydrates rich biomass into fermentable sugars which are acted upon by distillers yeast to form ethanol at around 15 to 20%. which is then extracted by distillation
C12H22O11 +H2O------> C6H12O6 -----> C2H5OH +CO2 + H2O
Meanwhile biomethanol is made productively by charring and gasfying the agricultural waste to form carbon monoxide ,charcoal , steam and forms the end product methanol:by catalytic conversion
(C12H22O11)n controlled combustion ----> CO +C + H2O, then C +H2O ----'—> CO + H2, then by catalytic syngas reaction CO + 2H2 ----> CH3OH .
Although methanol can also be a by product of ethanol fermentation when some microbes acts on the pectic material like fungus having pectinase enzyme that convert pectin ( methylester of galactorunic acid) in C7H12O7 to galactorunic acid C6H10O7 releasing CH3OH …but the yield is little and the methanol is just contaminants for ethanol fermentation reaction

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