Why does milk become long and sticky like elastic when boiling after a long gap? Is it cheese or is there something wrong mixed with the milk?
. (note :- this long and sticky happen after boiling raw milk Brought from shop. No enzyme has been added.)
Milk is an emulsion.but boil it the emulsion is broken apart and the proteins coagulate.
Milk is a kind of fat emülsiyon, but big part of protein is colladial structure. There are 2 kinds of milk protein. One of them denaturated others cougulated by acids or enzymes.cougulated proteins can only be sticky and longy. İt depends on ph degree of milk. Cougule protein have two Ca ions at the begining when it fresh milk. Together with ph increase, Ca ions was decreasing in the casein_ cougule protein. When it reach mono- calsium protein(caseinate) you can easily give it a shape in hot water or any hot envoriment. This is done at ph 5.2 it is normal cheddar cheese Technology. But your milk is not normal, because acidity is increased by microorganism. There for your raw milk is not fresh.
Another tricks is adding NaOH for accidity increased raw milk. To prevent cougulation through the selling periods. When you boil milk. Casein is easily be longy. İt is sodium caseinate(monovalent cations) which is only compounds of caseins which dissolves in water like potasium - casinate, Like processed chease, My second explanation is explain yours.