Crystallisation of honey

Hi, is there a way to prevent or delay crystallization of honey in jars ?

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Honey is a supersaturated solution of sugars glucose and fructose, along with sucrose and other sugars.So at room temperature it will crystallize.
You don’t want it to crystallized store at 40 deg C so the sugar will remain in solution

There are some that recommended heating the jat in a container of hot water 70C to redissolve the honey crystals…
Then storing it down in a cool place… But there are some honey that will still recystalluze gradually.
You can try this technique…


Crystallization is natural process in honey. Some manufacturers use citric acid or glucose to avoid prevents crystallization but comes under adulteration


Crystallization is a natural thing in honey. It is a supersaturated solution. But if you want to prevent it from occurring, you may [pasteurize it at 145 °F (63 °C) for 30 minutes. Store honey at room temperature.



check this out.

preventing honey crystallization


There’s a caveat to honey pasteurization. It destroys the antioxidants.

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Hi Kayan, the Codex Alimentarius Standard of Honey states that “Honey shall not be heated or processed to such an extent that its essential composition is changed and/ or its quality is impaired.” It is a very sensitive product. Diastase activity will be reduced with the heat treatment.
Room temperature storage is usually appropriate and does not lead to crystallization. However, if you live in a cold climate, do not store your honey product at low temperatures. The lower the storage temperature, the higher the risk of crystallization is.