Carbohydrate estimation in food samples

I usually do analysis of carbohydrate content in variety of food samples using phenol sulphuric acid method. I have developed a standard graph using glucose standard for the same. The problem is that for food samples usually results don’t appear to be correct. Can anyone suggest what improvement should be done? Or any method alternative is there?

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Hence those who can make it , goes to perform HPLC analysis.

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Many of the times it happens that HPLC analysis is not possible for all customers who want results cheap.

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Why don’t you visit the web specifically Research Gate… › …PDF
Determination of carbohydrates in foods. I. - ResearchGate

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Food samples had impurities that affect readings you should refine your analysis in terms of proper preparation of food samples for food analysis…The AOAC ( American Official.Agricultural Chemists had established methods as well as the AACC ( American associations of cereal chemist…Check their voluminous manuals specific to carbohydrate analysis…

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Thanks for suggesting